Iced Cinnamon Coffee

Posted by Keith on 5/10/2012 to Coffee & Food

It's going to be a hot summer and we wanted to get off to good start. What better way to keep cool at the pool than an Iced Cinnamon Coffee. Let's do it!


  • 2 cups extra strong, hot coffee
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 4 cloves
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • Ice


We like the French Press for this recipe. Brew coffee per instructions on our LEARN page (adding 1 extra Tablespoon of coffee for a stronger brew). After brewing, pour coffee into a ceramic container. Add the cloves and cinnamon. Cover and set aside for one hour. Discard the cloves and the cinnamon sticks, add sugar (to taste), and stir well. Place ice in tall glasses and pour the coffee over it.

Serves 2.